Today in BiteMyRecipe we have prepared this easy fryer lemon fried chicken recipe without oil, simple and oriental style!
Lemon Fried Chicken is a traditional and authentic Chinese restaurant recipe.
There are thousands of recipes for oriental lemon chicken, either with sauce, without sauce, fried, in strips...
This No Oil Air Fryer Lemon Fried Chicken Recipe it is quick to prepare and much healthier than the original.
I have cooked everything in my 5.5L Innsky air fryer.
No frying pan is needed and we avoid fat by not having to fry the chicken fillets.
Chicken is one of the foods that has more Chinese recipes either with lemon, with almonds...
This lemon fried chicken recipe doesn't have many ingredients and comes together in no time.
I recommend trying other air fryer chicken recipes like Chinese air fryer chicken with vegetables recipe or air fryer kebab recipe
Ingredients for Air Fryer Lemon Fried Chicken Recipe
- 6 Chicken fillets
- Breadcrumbs - 3,5 oz
- 1 Egg
- 1 Lemon
- Wheat flour - 2,1 oz
- Milk - 15 ml
- 1 clove Garlic
- 1 tsp of Ginger powder
- Salt
- Olive oil spray
Preparation in airfryer
Preparation time: 2 minutes
Repose: 1 hour
Cooking time: 15 minutes
- In a bowl, put the crushed garlic, ginger powder, half lemon juice, a pinch of salt, the chicken fillets and a splash of milk
- Let stand 1 hour
- Prepare a bowl with the beaten egg, a flat plate with flour and another with breadcrumbs
- Pass the fillet through flour, egg and breadcrumbs in that order
- Put parchment paper for air fryer and place the fillets spraying oil on top
- We cook in the airfryer at 200 ยบC for 15 minutes
- Halfway through, turn it over with tongs and serve with a few lemon slices.
- And we already have our lemon fried chicken recipe ready in a airfryer!
Tips for a good fryer lemon fried chicken recipe without oil
- If you can have the chicken marinating for several hours the more powerful the flavor will be
- To crush garlic I have used a garlic press that is very comfortable
- Let the breaded chicken rest for about five minutes. for him to settle
- The coarser the grain of the breadcrumbs, the crispier it will be.
- If you are not convinced you can try all our recipes with chicken in an air fryer
Substitution of ingredients
- Chicken fillets โก๏ธ Chicken breast (you do the fillets) or turkey fillets
- Powdered ginger โก๏ธ Fresh grated ginger
- Natural lemon โก๏ธ Concentrated lemon juice
- Breadcrumbs โก๏ธ Panko
- Wheat flour โก๏ธ Wholemeal flour, spelled flour or oatmeal