
Mashed potatoes recipe in airfryer

Today in BiteMyRecipe We have prepared a recipe for mashed potatoes in a fryer without natural and homemade oil, ideal to accompany other meals. or meats.

We bring an Arguiñano-style mashed potato with all the traditional flavor but cooking all the preparations in the air fryer.

There are thousands of mashed potato recipes and thousands of stylessuch as kfc mashed potatoes, monsieur mashed potatoes, or baked mashed potatoes.

There are also mashed potatoes from nestle, mercadona and all the brands that make it prefabricated.

In this case, We have prepared the mashed potatoes in the aifryer and we have been left with a creamy mashed potato with a lot of flavor.

In addition, it is a recipe that you can adapt, such as mashed potatoes and carrots (depending on what you like the most, add more or less).

For this recipe you don't need an oven, thermomix, or microwave, just your airfryer.

This could perfectly be a fitness and healthy mashed potato recipe if we used light butter, little salt and protein or skimmed milk.

We recommend other recipes with potatoes in a airfryer such as Aifryer Sausage Potato Balls Recipe, Aifryer Sausage Stuffed Potato Recipe or Aifryer Hasselback Potatoes Recipe

If you want more traditional air fryer recipes, feel free to leave a comment below!

Ingredients for an aifryer mashed potato recipe

  • 6 medium-large potatoes
  • olive oil spray
  • 2 tbsp of Butter
  • 1/2 tsp oregano
  • Salt
  • 1/2 tsp Black pepper
  • Splash of Milk

Preparation in airfryer

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes

  1. Preheat the airfryer for 5 minutes at 200 ºC
  2. Wash, peel and cut the potatoes into medium squares
  3. Place the potatoes in the basket of the air fryer and sprinkle salt and pepper on top.
  4. We also add a little olive oil spray on top
  5. We cook in the airfryer for 25 minutes at 180 ºC
  6. Melt the butter in a small bowl and add the oregano.
  7. We take out the potatoes and with a brush we bathe them with the mixture and stir a little
  8. We cook in the airfryer for 5 more minutes at 170 ºC
  9. We take them out and put them in a bowl where we will add a splash of milk and mash with a potato masher.
  10. We rectify salt and pepper testing it
  11. And we already have our recipe for mashed potatoes in a airfryer!

Tips for a good recipe for mashed potatoes in a airfryer

  • Do not cut the potatoes into very small pieces because they can be browned and not cooked
  • Do not add a lot of olive oil spray because then you are going to paint the potatoes with butter and they can be very greasy
  • Oregano is not usually a common ingredient in mashed potatoes but it gives it a touch of special flavor
  • The jet of milk is a little to tastedepends if you want a creamier mashed potato or not
  • Don't forget to taste the puree before serving in case you need to add more salt, more black pepper or even a little more butter
  • Mashed potatoes are ideal to accompany meals or meats and you can make them in large quantities and freeze them

Substitution of ingredients

  • Butter ➡️ Unsalted butter or margarine
  • Oregano ➡️ Provençal herbs or any seasoning you like (you can also leave it alone with salt and pepper like the traditional ones)
  • Semi-skimmed milk ➡️ Whole milk, skimmed milk, lactose-free milk or soy vegetable drinks (the flavor will not be appreciated, it is only to give the puree a creamy texture)
  • Food mill ➡️ Fork to crush

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