
Recipe of Rice omelette in a airfryer

Today in BiteMyRecipe we have prepared this rice omelette recipe in airfryer very easy, fast and simple!

There are many tortilla recipes but the rice tortilla has been a discovery for me.

I don't know if it has its origin in Japan or in Latin America.

But this recipe for rice omelette in a airfryer It is delicious, it is prepared with egg and it is very filling.

I have cooked everything in my 5.5L Innsky air fryer.

I've also used a pot to cook the rice (I've used white brand normal white rice).

Although the normal thing is to prepare the tortillas in a pan, the truth is that many times I prefer the fryer that goes faster.

The result of the rice omelette is very good, although it was the first time I tried it.

Ingredients for the air fryer rice omelette recipe

  • Cooked rice - 7 oz (2,8 oz dry)
  • 3 Eggs
  • 3 tbsp of Grated mozzarella cheese
  • Salt
  • Olive oil spray

Preparation in airfryer

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 5 minutes

  1. Cook the rice in a pot with water
  2. Drain and transfer to a bowl until cool.
  3. Add the egg, cheese, a pinch of salt and mix
  4. In a round mold suitable for air fryer, pour the mixture
  5. We cook in the airfryer at 150 ºC for 5 minutes
  6. Halfway through the time we turn the tortilla with a plate (just like when it is done in a pan)
  7. And we already have our recipe for rice omelette in a airfryer!

Tips for a good rice omelette recipe in a airfryer

  • Rice is better if it has been cooked for a couple of hours (I left it from the night before)
  • You can add poached onion as in the potato omelette
  • I like it raw, so if you like it cooked add one or two more minutes of cooking
  • Try to cook the rice very to the point so that it does not become a paste
  • If the eggs are of quality the result will be incredible
  • Visit the BiteMyRecipe's Blog to see all the information

Substitution of ingredients

  • Cooked white rice ➡️ Cooked basmati rice or other type of rice
  • Shredded mozzarella cheese ➡️ Tranchetes cheese or a slice of split cheese
  • Optional ➡️ You can add ham tacos or a slice of cooked ham

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